Nap times are carefully planned since the boys share a room and both will still take a nap... usually. Clark goes to sleep first, because he sleeps heavier and even a crying Brucie doesn't phase him. Well, when Clark goes to bed, Bruce gets the toys all to himself. You can see all the "favorites" in this picture: the trains, the doctor kit, the "vegables", and (of course) the Grand National. This is as good as it gets for a 16-month-old younger brother, I'm sure. Paging Doctor Bruce!
I'm not an accomplished sewer by any means, but I am (in my own opinion) a creative person. I have a list of several "projects", sewing or otherwise, that I am in the middle of completing at any one time. After encounters with project that drudged on far past enjoyment, I realized that I'm not one of those people who can not start another project until they've finished the one they are on. I decided that I won't make myself finish something (that doesn't have a deadline) if I can't enjoy it. Otherwise it isn't fun, is it? And what is the point of having a hobby if you don't enjoy it anymore. On the other hand, because of limited time and money, I try to gauge how much I really want to do something and only start a project that I am sure I will finish in the relatively near future. When a project becomes overwhelming, tedious, or I simply don't have the time to devote to it because of a busy schedule, I am able to set it to the side (with only a little guilt that it is still unfinished) and pick up something else until I have the patience/interest/time to return to the other project. This philosophy, expectedly, makes for a lot of unfinished projects.
I am to the point in my project cycle where Caleb has begun eyeing my growing pile in the corner and I get the feeling that in order for domestic tranquility to continue, I need to finish some of my projects. So recently I have been working on finishing a purse that I started a while (or several months) ago, and I estimate I am in the last 4 or so hours of the project. But with sewing that may be the last 8 hours, if you know what I mean. This particular sewing venture has pushed my skill level. Zippers, handles, cording, etc... Well, here is a picture of my labors last night. A little shaky since Caleb "surprised" me with a picture while I was working on it, but you can see the pattern of the fabric. (Not my finest posture moment, but in this picture I'm putting in the zipper and I'm really focused.) I'm excited to see it finished although I don't know what I'm going to do with it since I'm not much of an accessories girl as a "want to learn new techniques" kind of girl. I'll be sure to post a picture for you of the finished project.