Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Little Incentive

Clark has been giving us a hard time about bedtime in a typical 3 year old way. I need to go potty, I need a drink, climbing into his brother's crib to wake him up, etc... He has been such a good sleeper until the "big boy bed."

It really only took a bribe (ahem), I mean some "positive reinforcement," to help out at bedtimes around here. (Thanks for the idea, Dad.) Besides the excuses, he was doing a pretty good job of keeping himself awake while he was in bed (until 11pm and sometimes later). I don't know how he does it. Put me in a quiet, cool, dark room with a fan and I don't stand a chance.

It wasn't until he decided he wanted to go to bed, with a promise of reward the next day, that we have really had any success. We've been going for 2 nights now without any incidents of bedtime resistance. The power of a lollipop in the eyes of a child. He insisted on an orange one (his favorite color), but settled for a cream soda when I couldn't find orange.

Brucie is enjoying the rewards for good bedtime behavior, too. It's kind of a given since he falls asleep pretty quickly. He ate his lollipop today and about half the stick (well, it was pretty well chewed).
Just in case you were wondering, they still have root beer flavored Dum-dums. For some reason I always remember getting that flavor as a child. Ah, good memories.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bait and Switch

It's been in the 90's all week, but we may see 80's again next week. (sigh) I shouldn't be surprised. It's like this every year, but the promise of cooler weather is so anticipated (by me) that I can't help but be disappointed. Well, maybe we'll have another cool snap by Halloween.

Clark has been washing dishes with Daddy lately. The agreement in our house is that I will make dinner every night, and Caleb will wash the dishes. We don't even have a dishwasher, so I really mean wash the dishes. I have to give him props because Caleb is really good about it every night. Well, finally he has a little help... from Clark. Caleb washes and Clark rinses. The enthusiasm from that little guy is really overwhelming. It's the first thing he talks about in the morning and he doesn't let up all day. "I think we should do the dishes, Mommy." He continues asking for the rest of the day. He actually finished helping tonight and suggested that we do them again. Caleb declined the offer. I wonder what would happen if I was as enthusiastic about cleaning. It's really cute, actually. Well, the chances are slim that this excitement about dishes will last until adolescence (and it certainly doesn't happen when we're picking up toys), but we'll enjoy it while it lasts.

Funny Clark quote...
I have found that the moment my children see me eating they want some too. Even if they've already eaten. Well, this was after he had eaten breakfast and I was trying to tell Clark that he didn't really want what I was eating because he would think it was yucky. Well, he didn't fall for it. This was the expressive response, asked as if he really wanted me to answer his question. I wish you could have seen his hands waving for emphasis. So funny. I've never heard him use this expression before.

"Are you kidding me? Mommy, are you kidding me? I love that stuff!"

Funny Bruce quote...
Brucie, as the youngest, often will get the benefit of the doubt in a conflict (especially when I didn't see it). Well, he didn't in this case because I saw what he was up to. He was trying to commandeer Clark's coloring book (he had his own, but wanted Clark's), and I told him that he should go color in his own book. He turned back to Clark and this was what he said with an accusing finger waving at his brother for every word...

"Clark! You. Are. Driving. Me. CRAZY!"

Whoops. I guess he may have heard this from someone before, but not with quite that much emotion. :)

This is a dish washing video. If you are wondering, yes, I believe that Brucie takes a sip off the spoon. Just to make sure it still functions as it is supposed to, I'm sure.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cool weather is here!

Well, cooler weather. It's been in the mid-80's and we've been enjoying the outdoors this week since it seems the hottest days of the year are behind us. Not exactly cold, but this morning was a little brisk for our walk. I'm looking forward to some more enjoyable (not sweltering) outside time. I'm sure the boys are too. Welcome fall!