Friday, August 27, 2010


Baby Kate has this funny little baby fuzz mohawk on her head which is nearly impossible to capture in a picture. (I should say, with my camera and photography skills it is nearly impossible to capture.) Finally I got a decent shot. I hope you all can appreciate the hard work because it took about 14 pictures and this was nearly the only usable one and even this one is kinda blurry. One of my small accomplishments this week.

The other... potty training. I remember very clearly why I have been putting it off. We're not there yet, but its getting better everyday. We cannot seem to be able to get #2 in the potty and not in the pants. Any suggestions out there?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Floor Time

Brucie was playing with Kate on the floor the other day and I thought it was so cute, so I got the camera and was actually able to capture some of it. We watch the boys very closely around the baby so they don't "love her too much." This is an example of a good baby interaction day. I think Brucie does very well for a 2-year-old and this video shows a little of the baby talk they do with Kate.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Summer Days

So, I know it has been a really long time since I posted anything. I can always tell when its been too long because my dad always asks me when I'm going to post something new. So thanks to my dad for inspiring me to not be such a slacker. Some things never change. :)

This is a recent photo from Kate's baby blessing. (From left: Clark, Caleb (back), Bruce, Debbie(back), Kate)

Well, I can't remember when 3 months have gone by so quickly. Having 3 kids has definitely upped the ante. It's like hitting the fast-forward button for life. I can't believe it, but Clark just turned 4! He's going to pre-school in a month. Bruce is getting so big. Literally. He's a solid 2 year old at just about 32 pounds (3 pounds off from Clark). Kate is growing chubbier and cuter every day. She is such a happy baby, I can't even believe it. I tell people that I don't know if it's because I'm a better mom at child #3, or if there is more "action" to keep her entertained, or if she just has a sweet personality, but Kate is an easy-going and happy baby.

On the realistic side, it's 3 times as hard with 3 kids. There are 3 times as many tantrums, 3 times as much work, 3 times as many messes, and 3 times as much laundry. (Seriously, I can never "finish" the laundry these days since it just keeps coming.) There's also 3 times as many cute stories, 3 times the laughter, as well as 3 little people in our family that I love very much. So, those are some things keep me sane.

Alright, a little update on my little ones.

Clark blowing out his candles. I know it looks like there are 8 candles, but the long ones don't count since I thought they were going to look like sparklers (they said they were sparkler candles). Oh well.

Clark playing with Baby Kate.

Clark just celebrated his 4th birthday. We had a fun time decorating for it and getting ready all week. He picked out his birthday cupcakes - confetti cake with vanilla frosting and sprinkles - but he never eats the cupcake only the frosting. I was standing in the grocery aisle trying to talk him into something chocolate when Caleb called me back to the present and reminded me it was HIS birthday after all. Good call Caleb. :) He wanted to leave the decorations up "all the time", but we agreed to leave them up for a week. Clark was very patient with Brucie, who thought it was his birthday too. After saying his bedtime prayer on his birthday he asked "Can I say another prayer? Heavenly Father, thank you that I could have a good birthday party and thank you for a Mommy who loves me..." Of course it makes me smile to hear my little boy say something so sweet. He is a very thoughtful boy and his wheels are always turning. He's getting good at building things with blocks and using his imagination. He's learning to play board games and starting to recognize his letters and their sounds. He's excited to start his half-day preschool class next month. You know, 4-year-old stuff. :)

Brucie with his helmet/grocery basket on. He's wearing an inflatable swimsuit in case you're wondering. We were about to go out to the pool when we took this picture.

Bruce is so sweet. He always wants to sit in your lap and cuddle, which is getting harder since he is such a big boy. Brucie growing so fast, in fact I think he is going through a growth spurt right now. I usually make the boys wait for dinner without snacks, but dinner still had a while and Bruce was sounding desperately hungry, so I fixed him a bowl of Cheerios. He sat down and ate 4 full man-size bowls of Cheerios. They weren't even Honey Nut or anything. I can't even eat that much. Bruce keeps track of everyone coming and going, he remembers everyone's name and will keep tabs on where they are in the house. He will mention people by name that he barely met days or weeks ago. He loves his brother and also clashes with him (like a 2 year old does) about every 5 minutes. Recently, he said to my mom (Grandma) when she was telling Uncle D they might have to go home, "You are NOT going home! Because I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!" It sounded more like a threat in the delivery, but very funny if you've heard him before with a full scowl on his face.

This is Kate in a good mood. This picture says it all and is pretty accurate as to how she is most of the time. If all babies were as sweet as Kate is, I'm convinced that more people would have children.

Kate in her Sunday outfit. It doesn't matter that the temperature is mid- to upper-90s. I couldn't help it, I love the bonnet!

Kate is growing fast, like little babies do. She's about 3 months old and smiles all the time. She's getting more interested in toys, but is still mostly interested in people's faces. She's trying to use her hands more and more. Its too soon to really know, but we think she might end up left handed since that is the hand that reaches for things first and usually the hand that ends up in her mouth. She is very patient with her brothers and I love to hear them talk baby talk to her. "Ooooooh. Who's the cute baby? Are you a teeny girl? Are you a little baby Kate? I love you baby." That kind of talk coming from such active 2- and 4-year-old boys is funny to me every time.

Mostly we've been hanging out at home since it is so hot outside and hard to get 3 little ones in and out of the car by myself. I have low motivation when I don't have a specific errand to run. Good thing we have so much family nearby to hang out with. We love it.
Here are some pictures I took today of the boys playing around. Clark found some swim goggles and they were just being silly together.
Thanks for reading our blog! I will try to be better about posting more often.