Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Balancing Act is Over

So, when Caleb and I got married we got a table and set of chairs from his neighbor. The table has been sturdy, but the chairs were in various states of repair. I remember being 8 or 9 months pregnant and being honored at sitting in the only truly stable chair in the set, while Caleb was perched precariously on the next-sturdiest. Warnings have been stated to visitors in our different apartments including (but not limited to), "Wait! Not that one!!" We have finally fixed them all so that no one will need to worry about sitting down while visiting our house. In addition to the "sturdying" efforts we also reupholstered all the chairs with some fabric from my mom (Thanks Mom!). I am very pleased with the results and Caleb and I have been wondering what in the world took us so long...

Before & After

At Midnight: "Wow, I can't believe this is taking so long."



  1. So cute! I wish I knew how to reupholster (i give up on spelling that word). I'm so glad that you are a blogger. You are a great writer. Welcome!

  2. I'm so glad that you are keeping a blog now! I find that it's so much easier keeping in touch with people this way. Great job on recovering your chairs. I have been meaning to do that to some of ours but haven't been motivated enough yet (they were the ones which I moved to my basement so I don't look at them much anymore). Your boys are so adorable!
