Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I Would Like to Thank...

Thank you cucumber. You have my undying gratitude for saving my grocery shopping trip when my 2 year old was in melt-down mode. You endured being called Larry and repeated renditions of the "Veggie Tales" theme song for 15 minutes in the extremely long Wal-mart checkout line. Please don't be mad about the bite marks...

Thank you Choco Puffs. You are second-best to your cousin Cocoa Puffs, but it doesn't seem to matter. I have you hidden away from prying children's eyes and hands (and mouths), since the 2 year old in me doesn't want to share you. You make my day as a guilty nap-time snack.

Thank you dishwasher. I didn't realize how much I missed you until getting you back in my life. Deep down I feel that your plastic-ware melting heat makes my dishes that much cleaner. Even though you sound like a hand saw for the entire wash cycle, you make my life so much easier.

Just some random thoughts of gratitude for the day...


  1. It makes me so happy to hear that you hide cereal too. I'm super stingy with my Lucky Charms and Troy makes me feel so guilty about it.

  2. Great things to be grateful for. I love it!
